My friend Crystal Brinkerhoff, a fellow writer who hails from the same corner of Oregon that I do, is today's featured post. It's my first guest post and I hope to do more in the future. Enjoy!!
Gotta Fight for Your
Right to Write
I rolled out of bed while the house was still quiet to work
on this brain child that I keep obsessing over. (Why won’t characters leave you
alone once you get them down on paper?) I avoided the squeaky floorboard in the
hallway. Maybe I could have a few minutes alone. I swear the 3-year old has
built-in radar that alerts her when I’m awake. I started typing when she
appeared in front of me.
“It’s morning,” she pointed out the window. “Cereal?” Fair
I spent some time answering emails and other boring stuff. A
task that was supposed to take a few minutes grew to three hours. (When I found
the immunization record I was trying to track down, half the page was ripped
and missing. Was someone hungry? For paper?)
My husband called needing a book and could I please bring it
to him since he had a lunch meeting. I’m proud of the fact that we love books.
But I considered downsizing today.
“What does it look like?” I asked.
“I’m not sure, but it’s 8 ½ x 11.”
“You know the size but not the color? Is it green? I’m
picturing green.”
Pause. “Yeah maybe.”
Lunchtime rolled around later than normal.
I’d been avoiding grocery shopping. Food schmood. So I dug through the bare
cupboards until I found enough food to fake it. A package of six crackers, two
fruit roll ups, and a bag of carrots. If I cut the roll ups in half
then they can each have one. Desperation leads to genius in my opinion.
After lunch my youngest curled up to me with a book in her
hand. I kept getting a whiff of something funky. Sure sign it’s time for a
bath. But first I had to clean the tub.
I got around to getting myself ready for the day which meant
I could deliver the book to my husband. Then realizing we had nothing for
dinner I stopped at the store. I got home just in time to make dinner, get my
oldest boys fed, and send them off to swim lessons. My husband took them
tonight so I could get some writing done. He’s a gem that one.
I sat down in front of the laptop. I made the mistake of
looking up. Dirty dishes on the counter. I’ll
just do them really fast. Then my 5-year old offered to help. I’m not about
to squelch an interest in chores.
By the time we were done my 7- and 8-year olds came in
needing showers and then it was bedtime. Brush teeth, use the bathroom, get
pajamas on, tuck in and smooch kids, turn off lights.
At last I sat down in front of the computer. Footsteps on
the stairs. My toddler. I wasn’t going up the stairs again if I could help it. I
let her curl up next to me.
I’ve been fighting since waking up this morning to write. There’s
finally time tonight. It’s quiet. Everyone’s asleep. My youngest is sprawled on
the couch next to me while I type, breathing soft snores.
I recently finished my roughest of all rough drafts. It was
agonizing. It was amazing. Not the draft. The draft is garbage. But the process
is magic, like delivering a baby without the blood and tears. Even if it’s ugly, the kid is still mine.
I let my oldest read part of it. He’s eight. That’s where my
courage was.
“You wrote this? It’s awesome!”
I tried to play it cool, “It still needs lots of work.”
“Yeah but Mom, you’re going to be a famous author! Kids in
my class would read this!”
His enthusiasm was sweet and I won’t lie, the praise is nice
regardless of the age of the source. But the proudest moment for me was when he
grabbed his own notebook, sat on the other end of the couch and got to work on
his own story.
He gets it.
Oh my word, Crystal, look at you being a guest author on a blog I love! I've been proud of Tali and South County since she wrote her book, but watch out world. I'm ready to burst my buttons and then some! I'm a proud mama. Thanks Tali for this nice surprise from Crystal. :)
Sounds like a day at my house! Unfortunately, those days drain me of any creative spark that ever existed. Ever. For the last ten years. So kudos to you for having something left to give! And good luck bringing your brain child to life!
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