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Tuesday, November 6, 2012


When I think of New York, I think of it as a very bookish city. From the Barnes & Noble on Fifth (yes, I looked myself up on their computer) to the little indies like this one I photographed in the West Village, people there love to read. Or it could be that there are just so many people period that there are, by default, more readers. I'm not sure which. Just like I'm not sure if more people smoke in NYC than average, or if there are just more people. Hence more smokers. In any case, I made it back from the city and am happy to report that I wrote more than 3,000 words while cooped up in the apartment. This may not sound like a lot to those of you whose professions involve writing, but as mine does not, I have precious little time to devote to writing. To hobbies in general, of which I have many. Not to mention an existing book to sell. So 3,000 words is more than I've written in months, and it felt good.

I got a call from a colleague at my company late yesterday who works in another state, and his sole purpose for calling was to tell me that he just read my book and loved it. It makes my day when this happens. Because it's not like I've been able to shout from the rooftops that I've written a book. At least not at work. So it's fun to hear from people as they find out and come to me to ask where they can get the book or to tell me how much they enjoyed it. Yesterday's caller complimented my writing style, my wit, my edge (someone thinks I have edge!!), and then asked if there would be another book. Which brings me back to my 3,000 words. For those keeping track at home, I'm about halfway done with the next book. And while I've been halfway done for months, it was nice to get back down to it last week and make some progress. So about ten vacation-turned-hurricanes from now I should be done. Is it too early to start a paper chain? Don't answer that.