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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Epic Fail: Peasant Dinner

I read an article recently about how we tend to flip flop our meals when it comes to the digestive ideal. Most people grab a quick, scant breakfast (or skip it altogether) and end up overindulging come dinner time. The article says we've got it all wrong. That we should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a peasant. This seemed do-able, so today is day 5 of Operation Meal Quantity Flip-flop. True that it's been tough to carve out extra time in the mornings to actually cook breakfast (because this basically means getting up earlier....groan), but my big, delicious breakfast is now a highlight of the day. My lunches haven't really changed, as they were probably already prince-like (not too big, not too small), but where I'm totally failing is the peasant dinner. Because when I get home from work, I'm hungry. Really, really hungry. So I eat my peasant dinner and promptly follow it up with a real dinner. Which is, of course, exactly what this style of eating is supposed to help me avoid. But I ask you, what's so wrong with eating breakfast AND dinner like a king? Besides, I'm pretty sure this article came from the People magazine (since it's the only one I read), so I really should take all health advice with a grain of salt. Or an entire pinch....sprinkled over my morning hashbrowns.