I love this commercial so much. And not just because of the piano music. To me, it's about life. Capturing it, sharing it. When you think about all the things we see in our lives, it's simply impossible to preserve all these memories without documenting them somehow. Isn't it?
The other school of thought on this topic can be summed up by John Mayer's Three by Five, a song I've always taken to heart. Because when our focus is on snapshooting our way through life (an event, a vacation, a sunset, whatever), we, in my opinion, get less out of the experience as we are having it.
While at an Indians game this weekend, it was the bottom of the 9th and a win was headed our way. Wanting to capture the winning run and the crowd's response, I readied my phone and managed (after a few dud plays) to hit record at just the right time. Success! Although it occurred to me as the crowd went victory-wild that I had failed to actually watch that final play. I'd been so focused on my little phone and making sure it was positioned correctly that I had to actually ask what exactly had happened, how the run had been scored. In my effort to preserve the moment, I had missed it completely. And I'll never get that moment back. Sure, I have a grainy, unfocused few seconds of footage shot from the upper deck, but I would gladly exchange that for the experience of having actually watched the runner slide into home plate and erupted into cheers with my fellow Clevelanders. Maybe today I finally overcame trying to fit the world inside a picture frame. Take it away, Mr. Mayer.
I feel that way when I see a young (new mother) FB friend who posts about 20 pics a day of her little darling. I think "how can you really fully enjoy this first year of your daughter's life if you are trying to document and post every second of it for others"
I love my Iphone camera, but I think this is what it's done to us.
p.s. I don't often comment, but I do read and thoroughly enjoy your posts!
On the other hand I was just going through some baby pictures that I forgot I had of my two youngest. It was priceless. It's only been a few years, but I forget so quickly those pudgy little arms and bald heads. That whole, capture-memories-but-don't-forget-to-live-life idea is interesting to consider. It makes me wonder if that balance will ever come intuitively or if it's something I'll always have to work at.
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